The following are some of the most common questions I am asked:
“How can I afford to eat organic?”
I view it as it’s too expensive NOT to eat organic; the difference you save in your food bill is made up for in MEDICAL expenses. We hardily ever get sick and my children are healthy and robust.
It’s all about priorities. I lived below the poverty line with 1 than 2 children for 4 years, and yet we consumed Organic. You have to take the TIME and the energy to gather and work for that organic food. It REALLY is a way of life.
For instance how much is a steak in the grocery store, NON-Organic and Organic? Have you looked elsewhere to find a better deal? I sell my Organic Grass-fed Beef as low as $5.00 a pound for everything! How can you not justify that? It’s really a matter of taking the time, buying in bulk and figuring out the best method of attainment for the price presented.
It's not only an issue of what is healthy for you, but also what is morally correct for this planet. Do we humans believe that we have such a right to exist that we scrimp on our groceries and purchase non-organic lettuce for (a dollar less) and yet go to a movie that same night?!
“Isn’t local better?”
Eating local if not organic is a joke. DO you know how many miles and carbon it takes to not only gather the chemicals, produce the pesticide and fertilizer, package, ship and spray pesticides and herbicides on a non-organic crop not to mention how purely toxic it is to the land and animals.
It takes 4 years for the life in the soil to return after a conventional farmer has completed their term of murder on the land. When a spray planes flies over or tractor cruses through a field spraying, not only is it killing you slowly but it is killing the soil, the rabbits, the birds, and the deer. It’s not uncommon for them all to die after being sprayed. It’s really common sense, if it kills anything, isn’t it going to affect you too?
“What about organic, but not CERTIFIED Organic?”
As an organic consultant, producer, and consumer I would say that about 97% of the ranchers/farmers I find selling their product as organic without the organic label, wouldn't pass organic inspection. Organic inspections are tough, most producers do think they are organic, but after reviewing their processes I find they simply do not meet the expectations. It's USUALLY but not always just a lack of information and understanding on what can and cannot be used in organic, but sometimes it can be falsehood to pull you into the product.
It may not look like it but the Organic Market IS mildly hurting right now, most of the consumers have gotten a little shell shocked on what all the labels really do mean and are looking elsewhere like to the natural or local market to purchase there products. This not only lowers the standard of production for everyone, but really hurts the ranchers like me who invest allot of time and energy into being certified so that we can supply a product that we can be proud of to our consumers and support all the other organic producers along the way.
I also find that most of the ranchers and farmers who think its to expensive to be certified organic are looking at the cost of purchasing organic seed (does not the seed need to be raised environmentally sound too?) the cost of the mineral supplements (that are ESSENTIAL for the replenishing of the soil, animal and in turn you.) the actual COST of being certified organic is not that bad, IF you are already TRULY organic in your operation. Now if you are talking about a farmer that maybe has 5 hens in the back yard being feed organic feed and clean water than YES that is good and understandable but if they have a herd of cattle than they need to work with all the other organic producers in marketing and building up organics and not be destroying the reputation and the value of the organic label, we all need to work together, or we will all fall apart separate.
For example: One Rancher I spoke with that was selling their Beef as "organic" was feeding them kerosene to keep away the bugs, one Hog farmer that I knew who was selling his as "organic" to local organic consumers was using "Pour On's" (Massively poisonous chemicals to kill all external and internal parasites) My point is, both these (and many more I have spoke with) where HONESTY convinced they where organic, though they would never pass inspection.
If you truly value Organic, than ask the producer to get certified and support the Organic Industry.
“Isn’t Natural the same as Organic without the price hike?”
Absolutely NOT, this is the worse assumption Organic producer’s face day in and day out. Natural is a unregulated label meaning, each and every company can apply this label to mean whatever they desire, for instance Natural Sliced Beef can just simply mean that it was not treated with any preservatives. Natural Chicken can mean that it was not given any antibiotics and yet still feed GMO grains, the cause of the need to apply antibiotics in the first place. WHY pay more for an item without a guarantee that the product is worth more than any other average product. Support the producers whom take the time to support the organic industry by being certified, and remember natural is almost always no better than commercial.
“Ok, what IS organic anyways?”
Organic simply means that the product was not treated with any chemical fertilizers, chemical pesticides, and GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) or feed any food that contains this. Also guarantees that no Antibiotics are used, It DOES not guarantee that the animal has not had any vaccinations, THIS you must check into your supplier’s production methods.
Another false hood on organics is that it is Humane, organic does not equal humane, if you want a humane product you need to look into the producers practices or look for the Certified Humane label, for instance there is an Organic Valley Hog Farm that is feed a diet of 100% Whey, never feed any solid feeds the duration of its life, not only is that unhealthy but is not humane, as well as all these Organic Chicken and Egg plants that do not supply the chickens with the basic needs for health like green grass, sunshine, fresh air, and room to roam.
The most prestigious label you can find in my opinion is Biodynamic, these producers not only have to be ORGANIC but they must also be showing that they are improving the land through required applications, some Organic Producers still “mine” the soil of it nutrients not giving back because it is not required, and sadly they are in the business for the wrong reasons.
Remember every purchase is a vote, are you voting to support Monsanto (who's goal is to own the global food supply) or is your vote for the rights and freedom of family farms and the health of all beings on this planet.
Trista Olsen
White Thunder Organics
Feel free to comment below any questions you may still have :)
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